Pontifex University Now Accredited for Continuing Education Units
Earn both CEUs and Master’s credits when you study a single course - and get your employer to pay for both.
Pontifex University is now accredited by IACET - International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training. This means that if you take one of our courses you can earn simultaneously credit at the Masters level and Continuing Education Units. You take the course exactly as you would for credit, pay the same fee - $300 per credit hour - and earn in addition Continuing Education Units and we will issue a transcript that details both.
The conversion is as follows:
• 1 credit course = 4.3 CEUs
• 2 credit course = 8.5 CEUs
• 3 credit course = 12.75 CEUs
If your employer has a budget for Continuing Education or training, then you can ask for your CEUs to be paid and without any additional cost you have can earn the equivalent credit too. This way you could earn a Master’s degree paid for by your employers.
So you can take, for example, my course, The Way of Beauty - A History and Practical Theology of Images, pay $900 and earn 12.75 CEUs, to satisfy your employer and the first 3 credit hours towards your Master of Sacred Arts degree.
Alternatively, take Fr Peter Stravinskas’s course, Perspectives in the Philosophy of Education for $900, and again earn 12.75 CEUs, and 3 credits towards your Masters in Catholic School Administration.
Master of Sacred Arts
Master of Sacred Arts in the Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization
Master of Education in Catholic School Administration
Master of Theological Studies
Theology Doctorate
Education Doctorate