Learn to live the Way of Beauty at a weekend course — The Way of Beauty

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Learn to live the Way of Beauty at a weekend course

You’ve heard about The Way of Beauty, now learn how to walk the path This summer the Way of Beauty Atelier is running a long-weekend retreat: Traditional Paths to Inspiration and Creativity. Based upon the methods by which artists were trained to apprehend beauty and open themselves to inspiration, this has been adapted for everyone and has application in all activities. No special experience of ability is assumed. So artistic or not, creative or not, young or old alike, it doesn’t matter. Creativity and inspiration are great things whatever you do. It will be a weekend of prayer, traditional chant, talks, discussion and reflection. For more information and to sign up, go here and once there scroll down to the bottom of the page.

The painting shown, by the way, is Schedoni's Holy Family teaching Jesus to read. Schedoni lived in Italy in the late 16th and early 17th century. Here are some more images in a similar vein. From the top, Raphael; Annigoni's 20th century St Joseph teaching the boy Jesus carpentry; and de Grebber's Virgin teaching the infant Christ to read from about 1630