Dr Caroline Farey of the Maryvale Institute to Participate in Vatican Synod on New Evangelisation — The Way of Beauty

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Dr Caroline Farey of the Maryvale Institute to Participate in Vatican Synod on New Evangelisation

Dr Caroline Farey of the Maryvale Institute in Birmingham, has been appointed as a participant in the forthcoming Synod of Bishops, in Rome, dedicated to the 'the new Evangelisation and the Transmission of the Faith'.

Caroline is a regular contributor to the Sower magazine writing on art (among other things) and she is a co-creator (along with yours truly) of the Maryvale Course, Art, Beauty and Inspiration from a Catholic Perspective. she and I teach this course in Kansas City each summer. Those who know The Way of Beauty well will be aware of her writing because she has guest written a number of my weekly postings. She offers a great deal more than her knowledge about art. She is in charge of catechetical formation at the Maryvale Institute with special interests and qualifications in philosophy as well as art. She received her doctorate from the Lateran Pontifical University in Rome.

It is heartening for me that someone whom I recognize as having a very deep and authentic knowledge of the Church's artistic traditions and the connection with the liturgy has been asked to participate at such an event.

The  world Synod of Bishops, dedicated to the new evangelisation meets at the Vatican, October 7-28.

Those who are interested in taking the Maryvale course, a one year diploma at degree level, should contact either the Maryvale Center at the Diocese of Kansas City, Kansas or the Maryvale Institute in Birmingham, England.
