David Clayton to Speak at Conference in Barre, Vermont, November 2nd along with Sheila Liaugminas — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.

David Clayton to Speak at Conference in Barre, Vermont, November 2nd along with Sheila Liaugminas

I have been invited to speak at the annual Vermont Catholic Conference at St Monca's Church in Barre, Vermont on November 2nd called 'Rebuild My Church' which is entitled in honour of Pope Francis. I will be speaking about Truth in Sacred Art and discussing how the styles of the liturgical traditions of art reveal truth. This is a big annual event and the keynote presentations on "Christianity in the Modern World" and "The Family Today" will be presented by Sheila Liaugminas, Emmy Award winning journalist and host of the daily radio interview show: "A Closer Look". The website is here, and Facebook is VT Catholic Conference 2013.

I would be pleased to see and talk to any who are able to make it on that day, it promises to be a great event!
