Learn Traditional English Style of the 13th Century - Sacred Art Painting Class to Take Place at TMC in March
I will be offering a four-day sacred art class at Thomas More College from Monday to Thursday during the Spring Break, March 10-13. This is offered free to students from Thomas More College and is also open to adults from outside the college. The hope is that the others will help subsidize the places for the students (who nevertheless will have to pay for room and board in the dorms during this week). The cost to those from outside the college is $525 for the four days, and includes all materials (for egg tempera painting), tuition, lunch, and a lecture in the evening. For and additional $15 per day dinner can be included. Because this is during the academic year, we cannot offer those from outside rooms in the dormitaries so they will have to arrange. There is a local hotel that offers favourable rates to those connected to TMC and has a free shuttle to and from the campus.
We will be studying the English gothic style that is often described as the school of St Albans. Its leading artist in the 13th century was a monk called Matthew Paris. Typical images would be those that you see in Westminster Psalter (if you google image this you will see some). We see some of his work here, above, /St Christopher, and then students' work below.
Contact me through this site if you are interested.
And below we have a the original Visitation and then my version of it.