July 11-13, and July 14-18...still some places left.
I am very excited to announce a brand new residential weekend program: Dr. Caroline Farey, from England, will be presenting, Sacred Art and the New Evangelization, in Kansas City, Kansas. It precedes a five-day painting class in which students can learn the style of the English School of St Albans of 13th century artists such as Matthew Parris.
I will be working with Caroline on the weekend and will teach the painting class. In the weekend we will focus on what one can learn from art and Catholic culture of the past to shape the present and contribute to the New Evangelization. Running from July 11 – 13, it is extremely good value at just $250 (includes room and board). It will take place at the Savior Pastoral Center run by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
An internationally recognized authority on Catholic culture and sacred art, Dr. Farey is an extraordinary speaker and teacher and is an adviser to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization in Rome. This program will be of interest to anyone – artists and non-artists alike – who have an appreciation of the wonders of the beautiful Catholic culture of the past and is not to be missed.
This program takes place immediately before the five day Icon Painting Class and is designed with the idea that many people will wish to attend both. The content of Sacred Art and the New Evangelization supports and illuminates the practical lessons learnt in the Icon Painting Class. Both will be permeated by the opportunity to participate in and learn chanted liturgy and prayer.
For more information and to register for both events: http://www.archkck.org/evangelization/sacred-art-and-new-evangelization
For specific questions not answered in the Residential Information Packet or on the Registration Form, please contact Kimberly Rode at ecat2@archkck.org