Venezuelan Cardinal Speaks Out About the Violence — The Way of Beauty

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Venezuelan Cardinal Speaks Out About the Violence

Venezuela1Pray for us, Our Lady of Coromoto I noticed this little news piece on Catholic World News recently. The Archbishop of Caracas was addressing the violence in the country following the shooting of a 14-year-old boy. In a couple of paragraphs he sums up the problem and the answer in Venezuela, as highlighted in my earlier articles, here: How a Loss of Faith Can Lead to the Decline of a Culture and an Economy and Lead to Political Violence, and here: Faith is the Only Hope for a Country in Disarray.

The cause is a lack of faith and the answer lies in upholding Catholic social teaching. Notice that while he directs the condemnation of the violence to the agents of the government, his appeal for a transformation in faith goes beyond the government and is extended to the society as a whole. This I believe is what is necessary. Anyway here is the CWN piece:

The prelate called upon the government of President Nicolás Maduro to ''stop murderous violence'' and t o “prohibit the use of lethal force to control demonstrations,” according to a Fides report.

“We must overcome attitudes such as the desire of easy wealth and corruption, political pride, arrogance and lust of power, selfishness, laziness, hatred, and violence,” Cardinal Uroso added. “And we have to save the principles of legality, legitimacy, and morality that support the fabric of social life.”





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