Denis McNamara of Architecture, part 4: the Classical Tradition — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.

Denis McNamara of Architecture, part 4: the Classical Tradition

And no, this does not mean that every building has to look like a Roman temple.

Here is the fourth in the series of short videos by Denis McNamara. Denis is on the faculty of the Liturgical Institute, Mundelein; and his book is Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the Liturgy.

Before I sat in on some of his lectures this summer, I had been aware of Denis's emphasis on the classical tradition in architecture. I have to admit, I did have half a suspicion that his ideal was a world of faux Roman temples - all domes and Doric columns.

As I found out, and as you can see in the video, he does not mean this at all - although it does include what most of us think of as classical style. He describes classical architecture as any style that is created out of a respect for tradition and which participates in order of nature that 'reveals the mind of God'.  This includes, for example, gothic architecture.

Furthermore, he says that a respect for tradition does not mean that we look back, rather it provides a set of principles that will guide us as we go forward employing forms that might echo the past closely, or on the other hand might have styles that are previously unimagined. The potential range of styles is limitless.

Rather than painting a picture of people walking backwards reluctantly into the future wishing they could head for the past,  he is giving us one which is closer to the crew of a beautiful sloop that looks forward in optimism as it sails into the rising sun in the East, with tradition firmly at the tiller.

His reference to the mind of God is reminiscent of language used by Pope Benedict XVI, the Spirit of the Liturgy in which he describes how the numerical description of the patterns of the cosmos give us a glimpse into the mind of the Creator. Even the beauty of this world as it is now, fallen, does not reveal the divine beauty fully, for it is a fallen world. The question the good architect asks himself when designing a building is not so much, how can I reflect the beauty of the cosmos as it is, but rather, how can I reflect the beauty of the cosmos as it is meant to be? For me a critical point is that if we want beauty we cannot escape this question, for there is no order outside the divine order, only disorder and ugliness. Any building, or for that matter any aspect of the culture that does not look forward to the heavenly ideal

Onwards and Eastwards!
