A Call to Men in Parishes from Cardinal Burke - Join the Holy League — The Way of Beauty

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A Call to Men in Parishes from Cardinal Burke - Join the Holy League

A friend, Tom, in New Hampshire contacted me to tell me that he and another are establishing a Holy League in response to this call from Cardinal Burke.

This intended to create a network of parish based men's groups that meet monthly in a structured Holy Hour. The Holy League was first formed as part of the call to holiness and fortitute that occurred when Europe was under threat from Islamic forces and prior to the battle of Lepanto in 1571. The aim is to reestablish this in every Catholic parish.

The website tells us that the Holy League:

  • Provides a Holy Hour format which incorporates: Eucharistic adoration, prayer, short spiritual reflections, the availability of the Sacrament of Confession, Benediction and fraternity;
  • Encourages consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Purest Heart of Joseph;
  • Promotes the Precepts and Sacraments of the Church; especially through devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and the praying of the Most Holy Rosary;
  • Creates a unified front, made up of members of the Church Militant, for spiritual combat.

In addition to this, Tom told me that they intend to sing Compline during this hour as well. This sounds great to me!

You can read more about it here and below see a short description of it by the Cardinal.




