An essay on beauty, culture and the liturgy in the latest Antiphon Journal — The Way of Beauty

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An essay on beauty, culture and the liturgy in the latest Antiphon Journal

I would like to draw your attention to the latest edition of the Antiphon Journal. As usual, all the writers are worth reading, and their names will be recognizable to NLM readers. I mention it particularly this time because of the subject discussed in one article, by Fr Chris Renz, called Liturgical Piety, Awe, and Beauty in a New Liturgical Movement”.

I was excited to get a preview of what Fr Renz has written. In it he discusses the importance of developing an authentic liturgical piety to the evangelization of the culture. He is thinking here of the creation of a Catholic culture in the widest sense of the word, what he calls an 'everyday way of being Catholic'. He explains very well, I think just how powerful an influence the liturgy is on the way we are as people and how this is reflected in what we do. This is a topic close to my heart.

Fr Renz is the Academic Dean and Assistant Professor of Religion and the Arts and Science of Theology at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology (the DSPT) at UC Berkeley.
