Series of Weekly Workshops in Berkeley to Help You Discern Your Personal Vocation — The Way of Beauty

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Series of Weekly Workshops in Berkeley to Help You Discern Your Personal Vocation

Some of you will have read in the past of my account of the guidance I was given to discern my personal vocation and how this enabled me to change direction in life completely and become and artist. You can read about it here. This is a program of prayer, spiritual exercises and concrete action. Now we are offering this in a series of weekly workshops that take place at 7pm at St Jerome Catholic Church, El Cerrito, CA (near Berkeley, CA). We start this coming Wednesday, September 21st and they are free. We are in the back room of the church hall. The entrance in the back. The workshops are called The Vision For You. We have an even Facebook page here.

I gave a talk at the Insitute of Catholic Culture this past week in which I described the effect that this process of discernement, which I did nearly 30 years ago now, had on my life.

The link to the talk on the ICC website is here


