Pilgrimage to the Holy Land for Pontifex University Students, June 22nd – July 4th, 2017 — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land for Pontifex University Students, June 22nd – July 4th, 2017

Earn 3-studio credits towards your Masters in Sacred Arts. A pilgrimage to the Holy Land, assisted by priests of the Melkite Church, will be offered in conjunction with the Institute of Catholic Culture. Pontifex University is offering 3 studio credits at Masters level to all those who attend this pilgrimage and submit a paper. Fr. Sebastian Carnazzo, who teaches three theology courses for the Pontifex University Masters in Sacred Arts is among the primary instructors (he teaches alongside his brother, the Institute of Catholic Culture's Fr Hezekias Carnazzo!). We will visit many of scripture's most significant places including: the Mount of Olives, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and the Jordan River. Seeing and worshiping in these places associated with the prophets, the Apostles, Our Lady and Christ himself will bring the lessons of scripture and the sacraments to life in a profound way. Additionally, this pilgrimage is intended to be an immersion into the liturgy, culture, images, music and architecture of the Holy Land mediated by the local Melkite Church.

nazareth_the_holy_land_1842 The Melkite Rite, which has its origins in the Middle East, is one of the Byzantine rites of the Catholic Church. The traditions of the Melkite Church reach back to Apostolic times, and bear eloquent witness to the harmonious interplay between Catholic liturgy and the culture of the region in which that liturgy developed.

Those who wish to transform the culture of the West would do well to learn from this relationship between the liturgy and sacred images and in turn with the broader culture. For more information on the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land view the Brochure here: icc-holy-land-2017-revised-brochure. If you are interested in the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, download and fill out the registration form here: icc-holy-land-pilgrimage-2017-registration-form-1

The painting above is of Nazareth in the 19th century by David Roberts sea_of_galilee_525_captioned icc-holy-land-2017-revised-brochure_1
