12th Century Wall Painting in Durham Cathedral - A Tradition for Today — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.

12th Century Wall Painting in Durham Cathedral - A Tradition for Today


How about this from Durham Cathedral - St Cuthbert in the style of the School of St Albans? It is in the Galilee Chapel at the Romanesque cathedral in northern England. I suggest that this approach of simple line drawings describing form, and simple coloration is one that artists of today could adopt. If they do so, a wonderful new 21st-century gothic style can emerge for the greater glory of God and the Church! If done' properly this would be simultaneously contemporary and traditional in a way that speaks powerfully of the Faith.

This shows that the miniature illuminations of Matthew Paris, which www.Pontifex.University promotes, can work well on a grand scale on walls too. Here is a miniature by Matthew Paris, from the 13th century.

I say on this pilgrimage of life, let's set the bow of the barque headed firmly towards heaven, with tradition at the tiller!

Artists! Learn to paint in the style of the School of St Albans in the www.Pontifex University. My course, A Study of Artistic Method for Patrons and Artists not only teaches you how to paint in egg tempera, but it explains the principles by which you can make any style of art you like your own; and it so happens that the style I focus on in the class to illustrate is the School of St Albans style, as seen in the Galilee Chapel of Durham Cathedral!

Here are some more photos of Durham Cathedral to give you some context.