I am delighted to promote the annual formation for young adults offered by the Institute of the Incarnate Word (I.V.E.). The formation is one that engenders a mature faith and frankly would be of value to many old adults too (if they could attend). It offers, spiritual, human and intellectual formation that is directed towards a self-confident, but humble partipation in the modern world as Christians who are in the world but not of it. This is the special charism of the IVE - they are specialists in this sort of retreat.
To register go here or
contact Fr Christopher Etheridge on christopheretheridge@ive.org
The Facebook page for the event is here.
To register go here or contact Fr Christopher Etheridge on christopheretheridge@ive.org
What to expect at Universitas:
- Daily Mass, Adoration, Confessions, Liturgy of the Hours, time with Religious
- Hiking in the Catskill Mountains, Canoeing/Kayaking on North-South Lake, Fishing, Sports and Cultural Competitions, Campfire, Music
- Conferences on Spirituality, Philosophy and Theology, Evangelization of the Culture
Human Formation
Grace does not destroy nature, but rather heals it, raises it, perfects it, dignifies it and ennobles it. Nature is not only the support of grace, like a mere external condition, but it belongs to the very essence of Christian identity, and remains perfected. Through human formation we want to be:
- Balanced -- who remain focused on the whole and not become captive to a single part
- Strong -- who do not allow themselves to be carried away by every wind of doctrine and novelty
- Free -- It is only in God—in Jesus, God made man—that you will fully understand what you are. He will unveil to you the true greatness of yourselves: that you are redeemed by him and taken up in his love; that you are made truly free in him (JP II).
Spiritual Formation
The spiritual training …should be imparted in such a way that the students might learn to live in an intimate and unceasing union with the Father through His Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit.”
- Meditation on the Word of God,
- Participation in the Sacred Mysteries,
- Discovering a life of Prayer and Spirituality
Intellectual Formation
This formation “is a fundamental demand of the human intelligence by which one ‘participates in the light of God’s mind’ and seeks to acquire a wisdom, which in turn opens to and is directed toward knowing and adhering to God.” In short, it is to be formed in the truth—the truth of reality and the truth of the Gospel. So that through the power of the Gospel we may base our:
- criteria of judgment,
- determining values,
- points of interest,
- lines of thought,
- standards of judgment,
- and norms of behavior.
Apostolic Formation
Here, formation ends in Christ alone, Christ always, Christ in everything, Christ in all, and All Christ, until the religious can truly say, Be imitators of me as I am of Christ (1 Cor 11:1) and, yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me (Gal 2:20).
What does it mean to be a Christian? It means that we are intimately marked with the mystery of Christ: Christianus alter Christus. It means that we are aware of the redemption carried out by Christ. To be a Christian means to share in the mystery of the redemption, to live it in all aspects of human life and vocation (Gaudium et Spes).
This Year’s Topic - The Gospel of Life
Dr. Maria del Pilar Calva will be giving the main presentations this year talk focusing on the teachings of Humanae Vitae, the need for a life of purity and the science that supports the right to life.
Dr. Calva is a medical doctor specializing in Human Genetics with a Cytogenetics subspecialty from Paris, France. After training with Professor Jerome Lejeune at the Hopital des Enfants Malades in Paris, France, she received her certification in Cytogenetics from the Sorbonne University in Paris in 1987. She earned her Masters in Bioethics in 2005. She served as a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life from 2002 to 2012. She currently teaches at the Pontifical University of Mexico, and the Catholic University of Dallas. She is married and has four children.
In addition to Dr. Calvas’ presentations, this year’s course will also feature “Break-Out Sessions” offering the following talks:
- Fatherhood in Crisis - Fr. Mariano Vicchi, IVE
- Motherhood & Virginity - Sr. Crucified, SSVM
- Living an Adult Faith - Fr. Christopher Etheridge, IVE
- The Call to Evangelize - Sr. Star of Evangelization
Spiritual Exercises:
As part of the Spiritual Formation of our participants, we will offer the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises to anyone who is interested in taking them. The Exercises will begin on the morning of Monday, June 11th and finish midday Thursday, June 14th, 2018.
The Exercises are written to help put us on the track to sanctity by helping us conquer ourselves and regulating our lives according to God’s most holy will. Ultimately they are a method of conforming us more perfectly to Christ, Who was made flesh for us!
There is no set fee for the Exercises themselves, we simply ask that you consider making a donation to help with the effort.
Contact Fr. Christopher Etheridge, IVE if you are interested.