Pontifex University is offering free and reduced price for online education during the Wuhan virus crisis — The Way of Beauty

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Pontifex University is offering free and reduced price for online education during the Wuhan virus crisis

From the Provost:

Dear Pontifex University Students, past, present and aspiring, 

These are difficult times for all of us. I hope you and your loved ones are staying well, and that God’s grace is touching you in this time of anxiety and worry. We pray for you, please pray for us.

The major worry is that we or our loved ones will be affected by the virus, of course. There is a secondary worry, which is steadily becoming more and more important, and that is the economic impact of the response to the threat of the virus. There are no easy options here and I don’t think any of us know how quickly we will get through this unprecedented crisis, and how badly we will be affected. 

We realize that most of you are likely confined to your homes and wondering what to do. We have thought about how we can help in a small way and have decided to offer you the following. 

If you tell us you have lost your job as a result of coronavirus, we will let you take one three-credit course (or equivalent eg three one-credit courses) at no charge. If you are observing shelter-at-home you can take the same at half-price. 

If you are a current student, the email me directly telling me which offer you wish to take up. If you are not, then please fill out an application online and then email me, dclayton@pontifex.university.

Many of you will have ideas far better than me on how to deal with this at a personal level. I have written a blogpost on what I am doing in the hope of sparking off some ideas for others. In many ways, for me, it is about accepting how powerless I am to contribute or help beyond implementing the recommendations regarding self-seclusion. It comes down to trying to be open to God’s grace and focussing on being a good and joyful presence in the small number that I do come into contact with directly, or via Zoom. Myself and a friend of mine have resolved to sing Evensong - Vespers and Compline according to the Anglican Use, daily (apart from Saturdays) and put it out as a live video on my personal Facebook page. I would love to read what ideas you have had to be one who gives during this time of uncertainty. If you feel like posting in the comments box below the blog postings I will see them all. I always enjoy reading your comments. 

My God bless you and keep you. 


Provost, www.Pontifex.University