Six Talks on the Eucharist: A Mystagogical Catechesis by Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen, Scotland — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.

Six Talks on the Eucharist: A Mystagogical Catechesis by Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen, Scotland

I am grateful to the monks at Pluscarden Abbey, the Benedictine Monastery situated near Elgin in Scotland, for alerting me to the publication on YouTube of a series of talks by Bishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen on the Eucharist. 

Bishop Hugh was previously the abbot of Pluscarden Abbey, where I am an oblate (although I haven't visited for a long time now, as I live in the United States). Anything from Bishop Hugh is worthy of note and I encourage all readers to investigate. 

These talks are intended as a mystagogical catechesis for the faithful of the diocese of Aberdeen and as such apply equally well to all forms of the Roman Rite. I have watched all six and they are indeed a rare treat.

Each link below will take you to a recorded video for the dates in the past.

21 April:     The Eucharist in the Christian Worldview

28th April:  The Origins of the Eucharist in the Last Supper and Paschal Mystery 

5th May:     The Introductory Rites of the Mass 

12th May:   The Liturgy of the Word 

19th May:   The Eucharistic Prayer 

26th May:   Holy Communion

2nd June:     Living the Mystery

Here is the first recording, an introduction to the series, as a visual link:

Allegory of the Eucharist, anonymous, 18th century

Pluscarden Abbey