A Contemporary Mosaic of St Dominic in Chichester Cathedral — The Way of Beauty

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A Contemporary Mosaic of St Dominic in Chichester Cathedral

Here are some photos of recently mosaic of St Dominic, completed just a year ago. It was commissioned by the Anglican Bishop of Chichester, Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner. It was done by artist Jim Blackstone in a three month residency at the cathedral. During the residency, James worked alongside fellow liturgical artist Martin Earle within a custom-built studio. The project was developed with celebrated liturgical artist Aidan Hart.

Aidan, Martin and Jim who are Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican respectively have recently established a new studio and liturgical art school -The Chichester Workshop for Liturgical Arts- under the patronage of Bishop Warner. 

Saint Richard (Bishop of Chichester, 1244–1253) was prepared for the priesthood by the Dominican Order in Orléans and St Dominic’s apostolic spirituality informed his ministry across the Diocese of Chichester.Read more about the commission on the Cathedral website here.