A transformative journey that combines traditional Catholic spirituality with holistic artistic formation and is offered to everyone. Become the creative you were meant to be. Designed by David Clayton, Artist-in-Residence at the Scala Foundation and Provost, Pontifex University
Blog, David Clayton, Spirituality Creativity, Using the Way of Beaut...
The Vision for You is a process by which we discovered our true calling in life—what we call our ‘personal vocation’; and through which we discovered the Great Fact—that we have a choice in life: WE CAN CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY OR TO BE MISERABLE.
We cannot know for certain what God intends, of course, but provided an activity isn’t inherently sinful, it can only help us if we look to God in doing it well, entrusting the final results to God. The maxim pray for rain and dig for water seems to apply here.
Well catechized and spiritually mature Christians will feel no need to search out mysticism in the yoga studio for they are spiritually fulfilled by their participation in the Christian life.
For all that psychological benefits might arise from such an approach it is good to remember that the goal of the Christian life is not the relief of stress, but union with God. It is not possible to save the body at the expense of the soul. Both will perish if we adopt this approach.