Episode 43 - Fr Jeffrey Kirby on His Book For Everyday Mystics — The Way of Beauty

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Episode 43 - Fr Jeffrey Kirby on His Book For Everyday Mystics

Episode 43 - Fr Jeffrey Kirby on His Book For Everyday Mystics
David Clayton

Be Not Troubled, A Six Day Personal Retreat with Fr Jean-Pierre DeCaussade, pub Ave Maria Press, 2019

I talk to our old friend Fr Jeffrey Kirby, a parish priest in the Diocese of Charlston, South Carolina (apologies to both Carolinas - I think I said North Carolina in the interview!).

Through his latest book, he hopes to introduce the idea that we are all called to be mystics, and this is something that is available through the Church’s great tradition of prayer and spirituality to everyone. You don’t need to be a Carmelite to be mystic, it is available to us through our approach to the everyday tasks of life and worship at our parish church. His book leads us to this point with easily applied practical steps.

Available from Amazon or Ave Maria Press

Available from Amazon or Ave Maria Press

Painting by Peter Paul Rubens, a Carmeite nun.

Painting by Peter Paul Rubens, a Carmeite nun.