Podcast: Episode 79 Grace and Danger #5 The Facelessness of Evil: Masks, Lockdowns<br/> — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.

Episode 79 Grace and Danger #5 The Facelessness of Evil: Masks, Lockdowns and Covid Madness

Why mask wearing fractures society, and the devil is faceless because he is anti-personal

We have been regrouping on the podcast front since the Fall. Now we are planning to do seasons of podcasts. Each season will be a series of about 8 podcasts on connected themes. This is episode 3 of Season 1, called Grace and Danger - Politics, Culture, and Art Today. This is also broadcast live on the new free speech network, www.dowehavefreespeech.com and is available on Spreaker at spreaker.com/show/grace-and-danger

#5 was recorded live on February 3rd, Charlie Deist and I talk about balancing the benefits of lockdowns and mask mandates (if there are any) with the detrimental effect on mental health, community and the Church.
