The Pope, The Ceiling, and Thinking Small
We are called to think big, to think beyond the need that we see immediately before us"
A Limited Vision
The 1965 film “The Agony and the Ecstasy,” wherein Pope Julius II clashes with Michelangelo, is a wonderful reflection on faith, inspiration, and the trap of thinking small. For artists in particular, it offers a meditation on what it means to be an artist and the nature of our gifts.
***Spoiler Alert***
In the film, Pope Julius commissions Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with portraits of the twelve apostles and “appropriate decorations.” Michelangelo begins the work but is dissatisfied with the results. He destroys the work he had completed up to that point and flees Rome to hide from the Pope's wrath.
While hiding in the hills of Carrara, and running from the pope's soldiers, he pauses to look at the sky. Clouds converge to give shape to what will become Michelangelo's “Creation of Adam.” It is as if God himself is inspiring the artist to cover the entire ceiling with scenes from salvation history. Michelangelo sketches his plan on paper and sets off to find Pope Julius.
He finds the pontiff preparing to lay siege to a city. But as the artist unfolds his plan, the Pope becomes mesmerized, oblivious to the preparations for war that are going on around him.
Michelangelo explains that His Holiness' plan was unworthy of the chapel and the artist's talent. Michelangelo proposes to “cover the entire vault with glory.”
Pope Julius agrees, they settle on terms, and Michelangelo has the last word before he is escorted back to Rome.
“You see, I couldn't give you something mediocre. Even if it's all you asked for.”
As the artist leaves, an attendant says to the Pope, “it is not what your Holiness planned.”
“No,” replied the Pope, “I planned a ceiling, he plans a miracle.”
***End Spoiler Alert***
A Larger Vision
God deserves the best of our gifts, talents, and abilities. He does not ask for mediocrity, He asks for the best we are capable of. God's plan for our salvation is so much larger than we can imagine.
By the dawn of the 13th century, the Church was in dire straits. In the east, the Eastern Roman Empire was losing ground to Ottoman Turks. Eastern Christian churches were becoming increasingly self-governing, eroding the central authority of Constantinople.
In the west, the Holy Roman Empire was fragmenting, giving rise to various heresies that threatened the unity of the faith.
It was about this time that Francis of Assisi knelt in a ruined church at San Damiano and prayed to God for guidance, asking what he should do. And the answer came to him clearly, “rebuild my church which you see has fallen into disrepair.”
At first Francis worked to rebuild the small church he was kneeling in. Then he moved on to other small churches in the area, but as he worked he began to realize the smallness of his efforts in the grander scheme of things and the greater task that God was calling him to do.
This realization set Francis on a path that would lead him to found the Order of Friars Minor, known to us colloquially as the Franciscans,
God's plan continues to unfold. As we near the end of Advent, we are reminded of the scale of this plan.
David contemplates building a temple to God. But like so many of us, David is thinking in a small and limited way. God has entirely something else in mind. He confirms that David is the king that will lead the Chosen People to greatness; they shall endure forever. Then God promises David an heir. It is David’s descendant who will build a house to the name of God. And upon that descendent God will establish the throne of His kingdom forever, and this Kingdom will include all nations.
To some extent God is speaking of Solomon, David’s son. But to a greater degree He speaks of Jesus. Through Mary, Jesus is born of the line of David.
God does not want a temple of cedar that will crumble to dust and fade away. His plan is for a temple of living stones. That plan begins to unfold with the Annunciation, an angel of God announces to Mary that she will bear “the Son of the Most High.” Mary does not try to place limits on God's plan, rather she allows Him to work a miracle through her. She becomes the living temple of the incarnate God. Through Mary, God’s plan of salvation is put into motion. Through Mary, God comes among His people and changes everything.
No longer will God be worshipped in one place, in one temple. Now we, the people of God, His Church, are the true temple. God is worshipped in the hearts and minds of all believers. As such, this is temple that will endure forever.
The Church of God will endure, we have been promised that. But like any living thing it must be tended to lest it grow weak from negligence. Every generation is tasked with this, to maintain the Church and, when necessary, to rebuild it. We do this by properly teaching the generation after us and standing as witness to the Truth. We are still called to think big, to think beyond the need that we see immediately before us. We are called to do great things for god and His Church, to use our talents to further God's plan for our salvation; each of us according to our gifts.
Pax Vobiscum
4th Sunday in Advent
The Lion of Judah © Lawrence Klimecki
Pontifex University is an online university offering a Master’s Degree in Sacred Arts. For more information visit the website at
Lawrence Klimecki, MSA, is a deacon in the Diocese of Sacramento. He is a public speaker, writer, and artist, reflecting on the intersection of art and faith and the spiritual “hero’s journey” that is part of every person’s life. He maintains a blog at and can be reached at
Lawrence draws on ancient Christian tradition to create new contemporary visions of sacred art. For more information on original art, prints and commissions, Please visit
Purchase fine art prints of Deacon Lawrence’s work here.