A transformative journey that combines traditional Catholic spirituality with holistic artistic formation and is offered to everyone. Become the creative you were meant to be. Designed by David Clayton, Artist-in-Residence at the Scala Foundation and Provost, Pontifex University
Blog, David Clayton, Spirituality Creativity, Using the Way of Beaut...
The Vision for You is a process by which we discovered our true calling in life—what we call our ‘personal vocation’; and through which we discovered the Great Fact—that we have a choice in life: WE CAN CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY OR TO BE MISERABLE.
A prophet is popularly thought of as someone who foretells the future. But that is not what a prophet is at all. A prophet is one who speaks for God, or rather, a prophet is one through whom God speaks to us.
God has given us all a role to fulfill, it is for us to choose whether or not we do so. And as Advent draws to a close, our time to make that choice grows shorter.
Advent is about preparing our hearts to receive God's grace at Christmas. As a farmer prepares his field and an artist prepares his canvas and focuses on his subject, we focus our attention on God and prepare for Him to break into our lives.
Our part is to “be vigilant at all times and pray.” We have been told in recent weeks it is not for us to know the day or the hour. What is important is that we are always ready. This is our time of testing.