Study small ensemble singing with Gabriel Crouch, a former member of the King’s Singers — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.

Study small ensemble singing with Gabriel Crouch, a former member of the King’s Singers

Catholic Sacred Music Project Choral Institute, June 9-15, Princeton, NJ

You will sing the music of world-renowned composers Sir James MacMillan and Paul Jernberg of the Magnificat Institute. Catholic Sacred Music Project partnering with the Scala Foundation. More information at

Those of you who attended the wonderful Sarum Vespers, also sponsored by Scala Foundation and organised by the CSMP, which took place at Princeton University Chapel, will remember the heavenly singing of Gabriel Crouch's early music group, Gallicantus, and Gabriel's inspiring talk before the event, which can be found here.

Anyone who has attended the last two Scala Foundation conferences in Princeton, NJ, will remember Paul Jernberg's compositions for Morning Prayer, the beauty of which transformed the occasions. Indeed, at the first of these, the Scala Foundation conference of 2022, Paul Jernberg and Peter Carter met for the first time. They have since become great allies in the mission of promoting beautiful sacred music.

The final performance of this retreat will be led by Dr Timothy McDonnell, the highly respected scholar and conductor of sacred music.

At the same time and place, a composing workshop with Sir James Macmillan will be held, and the following week, a conducting workshop will be held. Both are organised by the Catholic Sacred Music Project and co-sponsored by the Scala Foundation. See the posters below.