Episode 56 - From the Lonely Misery of PTSD to Faith, a Family, and Happiness — The Way of Beauty

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Episode 56 - From the Lonely Misery of PTSD to Faith, a Family, and Happiness

A gulf-war veteran describes how the Vision for You process changed his life, brought him to the Church and gave him a family with 5 beautiful children

Episode 56 - Peter Murphy: From the Lonely Misery of PTSD to Faith, a Family, and Happiness
David Clayton

I urge you to watch or listen to this. My friend Peter Murphy was sent to the first gulf war just a few weeks after his 17th birthday. When he returned he was mentally ill for years, eventually being diagnosed with PTSD. I met him almost 20 years later, a little over 10 years ago, and at that point, he was unable to do a day’s work without suffering a mental breakdown. He was married but his long-suffering wife had effectively become his permanent carer.

He asked me to show him the spiritual exercises that comprise the Vision for You process. The change was immediate and remarkable. Since then he has completed a degree with first-class honors and works for an international company in his chosen field of environmentalism. More than that he has a happy life and marriage, he has returned to the Church and he and his wife have five beautiful children, aged eight and younger.

I had not heard before many of the positive details and stories that he tells here and which illustrate just how powerfully a spiritual and moral approach to life can transform us. I am a stiff-upper-lip Brit, but a tear came to my eye when he described the effect of his change had on his marriage and how it gave him a family. God is good!