Podcast — Podcast — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.


Episode 98 - Science, Art and the Sacred

Episode 98 - Science, Art and the Sacred

Bernini deliberately cut deeply into the stone to generate sharp shadows and create a rythmical array of lines that mimic the mathematical parabolas and elipses that the physicist uses to describe the natural order.

Episode 97 - Discerning Your Personal Vocation with the Daily Routine Journal

Episode 97 - Discerning Your Personal Vocation with the Daily Routine Journal
David Clayton

Buy The Daily Routine Journal on Amazon today to begin your journey of personal vocation and purpose:

David shares how a chance encounter 35 years ago led him to develop a process – The Vision for You – for discerning one's calling in life through spiritual exercises and daily habits. Simone Rizkallah was mentored through this process, which helped her reevaluate her life during COVID-19 and accompany others in understanding current events.

Simone has partnered with the Way of Beauty to produce the Daily Routine Journal, providing a place to continue these exercises, to remember how God is working in your life, and to narrow in on your calling each day.