Aesthetics — Podcast — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.


Episode 99 Discussing the Way of Beauty with Zach Elliott of the LAB podcast - Life and Beauty

Episode 99 Discussing the Way of Beauty with Zach Elliott of the LAB podcast - Life and Beauty

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Zach Elliott of the Life and Beauty - LAB podcast about my book The Way of Beauty. I enjoyed this excellent interview very much. Zach had taken the trouble to read and absorb the contents of my book and presented intriguing and original insights. Thank you, Zach!

The home website is

Episode 98 - Science, Art and the Sacred

Episode 98 - Science, Art and the Sacred

Bernini deliberately cut deeply into the stone to generate sharp shadows and create a rythmical array of lines that mimic the mathematical parabolas and elipses that the physicist uses to describe the natural order.

Episode 95: Interview by Bonnie Landry of the Make Joy Normal - Cozy Homeschooling podcasat

It was my pleasure to be invited by Bonnie Landry, who lives in British Columbia, Canada, to an conversation on her podcast for Catholic families and homeschoolers.

Here are Bonnies show notes:

The Way of Beauty by author David Clayton is a book I’m reading presently. We are loving the book so much that I wanted to interview David to help explore the ideas he presents in light of family life. We can augment the richness of Catholic family life through beauty and parents will reap the harvest of deepening their understanding of beauty and the role it plays in our lives. We expand our ability to contribute to the culture through David’s exceptional book.

6:17 - How do we cultivate an appreciation of beauty in family life?
16:25 - How to engage children in Sacred art
18:40 - Harmonious proportion and how it plays out in our lives
34:43 - The Liturgy of the Hours and it's patterns
40:57 - What is the best way to encourage artistic ability in children?
50:23 - The Way of Beauty and The Little Oratory books

The Way of Beauty - the power and meaning of beauty in our family lives
Bonnie Landry

Episode 55 - Dr. Lawrence Feingold: How an Art History Class Made a Theologian of Me

Episode 55 - Dr. Lawrence Feingold: How an Art History Class Made a Theologian of Me

Which painting would you rather contemplate on your deathbed? How this question in an art history class made a believer out of a young atheist Lawrence Feingold

Episode 29 - Lawrence Klimecki - Deacon, Artist and Evangelist for Cultural Renewal

Episode 29 - Lawrence Klimecki - Deacon, Artist and Evangelist for Cultural Renewal

Art speaks in way that words alone cannot for as well as presenting the image, it is instrinsic to art that it connects and establishes relationships, between the viewer and the prototype, via the image and using the imagination. This stimulates the faculty by which we ‘see’ the invisible through the visible and so is essential to the development and retention of faith in God.

Episode 19 - Jonathan Pageau on his art and evangelizing the culture through symbols

Episode 19 - Jonathan Pageau on his art and evangelizing the culture through symbols

Iconography and Iconology are the study of the sacred image and the symbolism of the content respectively. Jonathan Pageau is someone who is both a master craftsman and and a deep understanding of both. This has relevance in the Christian life way beyond the church building, it extends out into every human endeavor.