
The Burning Bush: Learning to See Again Through Marian Art; by Margarita Mooney Clayton

The Burning Bush: Learning to See Again Through Marian Art; by Margarita Mooney Clayton

Register for a unique event about one of the most intriguing women in history with one of today’s most prolific sacred artists and widely-viewed cultural commentator Jonathan Pageau! 

Emblems of the Wounds in the Body and Heart of Christ Painted Onto a Candle

Emblems of the Wounds in the Body and Heart of Christ Painted Onto a Candle

Designs by Gina Switzer, based upon the 'Vulnerary of Christ', that is emblems of the wounds of Christ, incorporated into a cross. that relates the life and death of Christ to his resurrection by directing our attention, through the symbolism of the flowers, to paradise.

Book Recommendation: Christian Iconography - Selections from The Art of Painting (1649), by Francesco Pacheco

Book Recommendation: Christian Iconography - Selections from The Art of Painting (1649), by Francesco Pacheco

At long last, this classic treatise from the teacher of Velazquez on Baroque and Counter-Reformation sacred art has been translated from the original Spanish for the first time.