Asceticism and Nutrition — Podcast — The Way of Beauty

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Asceticism and Nutrition

Episode 80 Grace and Danger #6 Hormetics - Fad Diets or Fasting Discipline?

Episode 80 Grace and Danger #6 Hormetics - Fad Diets or Fasting Discipline?

Hormetics is the harmony of diet, exercise, prayer and almsgiving in the Christian life. The traditional pattern of Christian living as exemplified the by Melkite Catholics and the Benedictines anticipates and perfects the science of ‘health and wellness’.

Episode 68 - Charlie Deist - Join us in a March for Eternal Life, and a new call for Chivalry

Episode 68 - Charlie Deist - Join us in a March for Eternal Life, and a new call for Chivalry

This is a march in which we meditate upon the spiritual meaning of marching itself. It is exercise that is natural to us - walking - that is ordered to our ultimate end. I see the 50 miles as a symbol of Pentecost, the 50-day after Easter on which the Holy Spirit descended upon us. It is a call for conversion and Christian chivalry.