Podcast — Podcast — The Way of Beauty

Study the Master of Sacred Arts and the Theology Doctorate (Th.D.) at Pontifex University www.PontifexUniversity.


Episode 88: Grace and Danger Series 2 #3 Ivan Illich and Hugh of St Victor: what's wrong with modern science?

Episode 88: Grace and Danger Series 2 #3 Ivan Illich and Hugh of St Victor: what's wrong with modern science?

Ivan Illic picks up on ideas of Hugh of St Victor who proposed that the purpose of scientific research was to aid mankind in contributing to the raising up and ultimate redemption of the natural world; in contrast the both the laissez faire attitude of modern environmentalists and the exploitative attitude of some, as first articulated by Francis Bacon.

Episode 83 - The Math of Beauty and Human Health

Episode 83  - The Math of Beauty and Human Health

David Clayton and Charlie Deist discuss how the artist’s understanding of beauty can have an impact on human health. We were interviewed by Dr. Michel Accad. The link for the episode is here.

Episode 81 Charlie Deist and Dr Michel Accad Discuss Hormetics: Physical Fitness for Free People

Episode 81 Charlie Deist and Dr Michel Accad Discuss Hormetics: Physical Fitness for Free People

Body, soul and spirit! An engaging and somewhat philosophical conversation on principles of health. How do we identify good nutritional and exercise habits? Amongst the myriad of fads, what rules should guide one’s health choices and behaviors?

Episode 80 Grace and Danger #6 Hormetics - Fad Diets or Fasting Discipline?

Episode 80 Grace and Danger #6 Hormetics - Fad Diets or Fasting Discipline?

Hormetics is the harmony of diet, exercise, prayer and almsgiving in the Christian life. The traditional pattern of Christian living as exemplified the by Melkite Catholics and the Benedictines anticipates and perfects the science of ‘health and wellness’.

Episode 75 Fr Peter Stravinskas Talks About Pontifex University's Unique M.Ed. in Catholic School Administration

Here is a great interview. Dr Sebastian Mahfood, of Holy Apostles College and Seminary and a teacher on the new Masters of Education in Catholic School Administration talks to the Program Director, Fr Peter Stravinskas.

Fr Stravinskas is also the President of the Catholic Education Foundation.

Episode 72 - Hold Fast! The Harmonization of Nutrition and Spirituality in Traditional Christian Fasting and Feasting

Episode 72 - Hold Fast! The Harmonization of Nutrition and Spirituality in Traditional Christian Fasting and Feasting

What diet is right for you? Keto? Paleo? And what pattern of eating? One meal a day? Snacks every two hours? Perhaps it’s none of these exclusively, but instead a balanced combination in harmony with the annual cycle of traditional Christian fasting.

Episode 71 - Mike Hennessey on the Holiness of Fr Vincent McNabb and his Influence on Belloc

Pontifex University Press publishing another collection of essays by Fr. Vincent McNabb. This volume is called The Wayside: A Priest’s Gleanings. Mike Hennessey, a lover of the writings of McNabb wrote the foreword to the book. He discusses how this collection of early essays reveals his great charity and holiness. Mike is the chair of the Belloc Society and he gives us fascinating insights into the influence that McNabb had on Hilaire Belloc.

The essays we refer to specifically from the list below are: The Riches of Ritual, Jane Seedcombe Woolweaver, and An Innocent (which is about the alcoholic prisoner).

Episode 71 - Michael Hennessy on the Holiness of Fr. McNabb
David Clayton

Buy the Kindle Edition - $8.60

The Wayside: A Priest's Gleanings
By McNabb, Vincent, Horwitz, Matthew
Buy on Amazon

Buy the Paperback - $15.95

By McNabb O.P., Fr. Vincent, Horwitz, Matthew
Buy on Amazon

Episode 69 - Paul Jernberg: How Can a Composer be Creative and Follow Divine Inspiration?

Episode 69 - Paul Jernberg How Can a Composer be Creative and Follow Divine Inspiration
David Clayton

I’m with composer Paul Jernberg once again. Our starting point is the following excerpt from Musicam Sacram and the following statement:

Musicians will enter on this new work with the desire to continue that tradition which has furnished the Church, in her divine worship, with a truly abundant heritage. Let them examine the works of the past, their types and characteristics, but let them also pay careful attention to the new laws and requirements of the liturgy, so that "new forms may in some way grow organically from forms that already exist, and the new work will form a new part in the musical heritage of the Church, not unworthy of its past.

How does a composer balance the new with the traditional, proscribed forms with invention? Paul gives us his approach.

