Episode 92: God, Man and Markets #7 Wrestling with the Common Good, part 3
Can the love of the common good be recovered when we live in countries whose culture and institutions seem at odds with it? Should we retreat in enclaves, join secession movements, or stay put in our local community, wherever it may be? Can a political common good ever be achieved given the political realities that we live in? What is the Christian called to do in such a situation?
Episode 91: God, Man and Markets #6: Wrestling with the Common Good part 2
Episode 90: God, Man and Markets #5 The Common Good - The Most Misunderstood Principle in Politics
Episode 89: God, Man and Markets #4, the Ideas of Ivan Illich with Charlie Deist, David Clayton, Michel Accad, Fr Brad Elliot.
In the last chapter of the book, Illich offers an apocalyptic view of industrial societies and the forced segregations that have been imposed on families and on people for the sake of efficiency. Is his a Marxian critique of capitalism or does he offer a third way that even supporters of the free market should give heed to?
Episode 86: Grace and Danger, Series 2, #1 Ivan Illich's insights on how government and large institutions impede beautiful spontaneous order in society
David Clayton, Fr Brad Elliot OP, Dr. Michel Accad, and Charlie Deist discuss the rediscovered ideas of Ivan Illich, who died 15 years ago, and in particular an essay from a collection called Shadow Work. His essay describes how the imposition of Castilian as the national language of Spain by Queen Isabella, became a tool of the state for control of the people. We also show how the development of communication through the printing press created a desire to control its use and has parallels today in how big institutions and governments are trying to control the flow of information through the internet.
Episode 76 - Grace and Danger #2: Politics, Culture and Art Today
Episode 65 - Creating community for a post-COVID 19 society now, with Charlie Diest
Episode 25 - Fr Brad Elliott O.P. : Is There Such a Thing As Catholic Economics? Is Economics a Science?
Episode 18 - 'The Cloister in the Cul-de-Sac' Creating Community in City and Suburb
Episode 17 - Creating Community in the Parish..Even Your Parish!
Episode 13 - Private Property and Self-interest are in Harmony with the Common Good: Fr Brad Elliot O.P.
Episode 12 - Population Growth is Good for Mankind and the World
All the evidence shows us that that more new people there are in the world, the better the world is and the better it is for the rest of us. Fear and the hatred of mankind as the cause of it in the post-Christian West drive an irrational pessimism that creates greater evils and suffering than those they are seeking to remedy.